Michal Lets David Down Through The Window

Michal Lets David Down Through The Window


Saul sent messengers to his house to watch and slay him in the morning,
and Michal, David's wife, said to her husband: "If you do not get away
tonight, tomorrow you will be killed."
So Michal let David down through a window,
 and then she made up the bed to look as though David were lying asleep in it.

Ard when Saul sent his messengers to take David, she said: "He is ill."

But Saul sent the messengers back to see David, saying: "Bring him up to me
in his bed and I shall slay him."
When the messengers came in, they saw that there was no one in the bed.
Saul said to Michal: "Why have you deceived me and helped my enemy to escape."

Michal answered: "He said to me,
'Let me escape; otherwise I shall kill you.'"

When David fled he took refuge with Samuel at Naioth in Ramah.


(  Link to free online Bible to view where this event takes place in the Bible  )
